ManageBot Scam Link Filter
If you are here, its probably because the bot deleted a message for the following reason:

The scam link filter.
This feature is here, to protect you and your members.

We implemented this feature, to protect our users from scam links of Discord and steam. See here which links are filtered. Thanks to these folks for creating this file and helping to fight against scammers.

This filter cannot be disabled

Since scam links are a serious issue at this time, we are not granting the permission for free change for this filter. Also, all members are affected - no matter which permission you have, because everyone's account can be compromised.

Specials cases

There may be some special cases where you need this filter to have disabled (which is kind of strange). If that's the case, you may contact us by joining the Discord server or writing the support a mail (you won't get a response).

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